Law and the Future of War
Through conversation with experts in technology, law and military affairs, this series explores how new military technology and international law interact. Edited and produced by Dr Lauren Sanders and Dr Simon McKenzie, the podcast is published by the Asia-Pacific Institute for Law and Security. Until July 2024, the podcast was published by the University of Queensland School of Law.
Note: the views expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other organisation (such as Government, or Departments of Defence), unless the speaker specifically attributes their comments to that organisation.
Law and the Future of War
BarbieHeimer Special Series - A Manhattan Historian's perspective on Oppenheimer: Chris Griffith (AtomicArchive)
In this episode in the BarbieHeimer series, we focus on the history of the Manhattan Project and the accuracy of the Oppenheimer movie. We are speaking with nuclear historian Chris Griffith, about the history, and consequences of the atomic age. As a warning, if you haven’t seen the film we will be talking about the movie’s plot lines and breaking down some of its scenes!
Chris is an atomic historian who has created the online archive AtomicArchive, which is aimed at creating content to help the general public understand the science, history, and consequences of the atomic age. He has recently written for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists to break down the historical accuracy of the film.
Additional Resources:
- Chris Griffith, 'A Manhattan Project historian comments on ‘Oppenheimer’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, 28 Jul 2023.
- Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons (3rd ed, 1977)
- The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
- National Security Archive - The George Washington University
- Alec Wellerstein's webpage, and 'NUKEMAP' to simulate the effects of a nuclear explosion anywhere on the map.